Kristen Stewart i Glamour US

Kriesten är med på Glamour US Beaty-sida. Hon pratar bland annat om sina skönhetsrutiner. Klicka på bilden för att få den i full storlek.:)


Kristen på omslaget av Little White Lies Magazine

Kristen pryder omslaget av Little White Lies Magazine den här månaden! Nedan kan ni se bilderna och en intervju med henne som finns med i tidningen.:)

Chapter One: The Question

Robert Pattinson. Twilight. Getting naked in indie movies. Fame. These are some of the things we won't be talking about with Kristen Stewart. "Oh, good." says the actress, slightly taken aback when we give her the good news. We're sat on the roof terrace of a hotel - heavily populated on the ground floor by security guards - and it's week two of Cannes Film Festival. Only 22-years-old, Stewart is being afforded the kind of elite protection from the media usually reserved for Hollywood's biggest megastars. But we don't really want to ask her about that either.

In fact, LW Lies only has one question: what does Kristen Stewart want to talk about?"Right," she says. Then she thinks. "I don't want to sell myself. People are so weird. They suddenly find themselves so interesting that they think they're worth selling. Typically speaking, the most interesting thing to me about myself is, right now, the fact that On the Road is coming out. And I want to talk about On the Road.

Chapter Two: On the Road

To talk about on the road is to discover that, although people ask Kristen Stewart a lot of questions, the answers all lead to one place. It's really simple: she's a 22-year-old kids who's crazy-stupid in love with her job. "Oh my god, I fucking love it so much," she beams. "I'm not Maryloul; I'm Sal. Right now, I feel so full. I'm like, bursting. I should be working. I don't want to take a break. It's funny, on set, I don't have to go to the bathroom, I don't have anything wrong, I'm perfectly fine, so through-and-through. I'm not hungry. I'm literally not even in my own body. They wrap and they send me back to my trailer and I fucking fall to pieces. I suddenly realise that I've had to pee for six hours. And I'm starving."

This kamikaze work ethic left her co-star Chris Hemsworth dumbfounded on the blockbuster Snow White and the Huntsman. Why, wondered the Aussie heartthrob, was she attacking a basic Hollywood fantasy like it was a Paul Thomas Anderson drama?"Awww..." she smiles, affectionately. "He's the same way. Well, he takes it very much at face value. Sometimes I need to make myself do that. I just really am trying, trying, all the time. I mean, Walter actually said to me several times during On the Road, 'Stop reaching, you're already there.' But I like to be scared. I love to suddenly feel out of control. Actors walk around wearing these little tool-belts of acting skills. And I just don't find that interesting to watch. I never want to see someone who clearly can cry at the drop of a hat. That's so uninteresting. And so many actresses are so fucking crazy. They're emotional wrecks, so they pretend to be these characters. But the emotions aren't coming from the right place. Do you know what I mean?" And you have to remind her: this is your interview: you tell us.

Chapter Three: Coming from the Right Place

"At first, the reason I started doing this was literally just because I wanted a job. My parents are crew - my mom's a script supervisor; my dad's an AD - and I always looked up to them, I really completely glorified the movies. And so at first, I just wanted the responsibility. I wanted adults to talk to me. I wanted to be involved. I was bored. Then I turned 13 and did this movie called Speak...I mean, to do a date-rape movie at 13, it really affected me. I suddenly felt like things could be really important and really help people. I did this public service announcement right after I did the movie and this enormous influx of people called in and said things that they had never told anyone before. And it hit me so fucking hard. I was like, 'Wow, something that I love, something that was so personal to me' - because at that point, I had never gotten any aknowledgement for anything I'd done, it really was just for me - 'suddenly touched people.' Movies, they can be important if you want them to be."

Chapter Four: Movies are important

So here it is. If you want them to be, even teen movies about hair-gelled vampires and werewolves in cut-off jeans can be important. They can help you make other movies, movies like On the Road, movies that might not get seen or even made without you.

In Hollywood, with great power comes...great parties. But here's the reason why you wont see Stewart following Lindsay Lohan into the starlet scrapyard. Through some crazy accident, indie actress got bitten by a radioactive franchise and gained special powers. They won't last forever. But while they do..."It's weird to be in this position of, like..." She sighs, checking herself. "Not to sound fucking crazy, but 'financial prowes'. I feel bad about it. I feel like you need to do something. I made Welcome to the Rileys [in which Stewart played a young woman with emotional issues] a few years back and now I want to open two halfway houses, one in New Orleans and one in LA, and I want to make a documentary about why it's important. But all this ridiculously empty charity work that you see? Like, you show up at an even and you wear a dress and you auction your dress off and you suddenly feel important. I want to do it right. Right now, I just feel it. It's not to be wasted. Because I know my value is fucking strong."


Robert Pattinson på The Daily Show, igår 13 augusti

Robert PattinsonThe Daily Show igår. Hans första intervju sedan otrohetsskandalen, rolig intervju, men Rob varken bekräftar eller fönekar ryktena som cirkulerar kring honom och Kristen.

The Daily Show
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Breaking Dawn part 2 intervju med Entertainment Weekly

En intervju med Stephenie Meyer och härliga bilder från Breaking Dawn part 2
 i Entertainment Weekly. Klicka på bilderna för att läsa texten!


Intervju med Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner och Robert Pattinson

Intervju med Taylor, Kristen och Robert för Etalk Kanada


Comic Con 2012: Intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor, MTV


Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog


Comic Con: Kristen Stewart intervju med Fandango och Popsugar

En väldigt bra intervju med Kristen där hon bl.a berättar om hur hon skulle reagera om Breaking dawn part 2 fick en uppföljare!

Ännu en superbra intervju med Kristen! Hon berättar vilken som är hennes favoritscen i Breaking Dawn part 2, och pratar om slutet på filme och helt Twilight sagan (dock inga spoilers);)


Comic Con 2012: Kristen Stewart intervju med E!

Kristen pratar om hur upplevelserna på Cimic Con skiljer sig åt varje år. 

E! - Kristen Stewart Talks Final Film at the... by veronicaspuffy

Intervju med Kristen 'Stewart i Istoe Gente'

Här är en ny intervju med Kristen, där hon pratar med tidningen 'Istoe Gente'. Klicka på bilderna för att se dom i full storlek. Klicka HÄR för att läsa hela intervjun på engelska.

How was to be at Cannes with On The Road at the same time your boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, was there for Cosmopolis?

Kristen: I’m very proud of him and he’s proud of me. We’ve already gained so much for being at Cannes, the biggest film festival in the world.


Intervju med Kristen Stewart för Istoe Gente

En ny intervju med Kristen för Isto Gente. Hon pratar bland annat om vad hon tycker om att spela in sexscener och att 'On the Road' har gett henne den bästa erfarenheten av filminspelning.

 In Twilight, it's only on the penultimate movie that the leading couple had a romantic sex scene. But Kristen Stewart, the performer of the delicate heroine of the vampire saga, says: "I see actresses do ridiculous fake sex scenes in movies and then declare that they felt safe on set." At 22 years old and as the highest-paid actress in Hollywood between May 2011 and 2012, earning $ 34.5 million according to Forbes magazine, Kristen says it was says with a fearless attitude to nudity that she starred On the Road, which premieres in Brazil on July 13.

 In Walter Salles' movie she plays Marylou, free-spirited young woman who becomes the lover of two friends who cross roads of the United States in an existential journey. "I would have joined these two guys, for sure," says Kristen, adding that she read Jack Kerouac's book as an adolescent, and that she admires people with libertarian attitudes. Off screen, however, she has a life within the rules and maintains a secretive romance with Robert Pattinson, her partner in Twilight.

How would you describe the experience of working in On the Road? 
K: It was the greatest experience I had doing movies. I wasn't part of the entire filming trip, but I went to Montreal to join the team and prepare. Then I went to New Orleans, Phoenix and San Francisco. Then I came home and made another Twilight movie. What was strange, because I wanted to go back to that experience with Walter (Salles), which was discontinued. I had no time to think about what had happened in those weeks on the road. What, in fact, closely resembles the experience of my character.

Were you afraid of doing the sex scenes? 
K: On the contrary, I wanted to do the sex scenes. I like movies that test my limits. It's a way to challenge myself, to leave the comfort zone. I confess that I lived more interesting experiences during those four weeks of filming on the road than in my normal life. The sequences of nudity among the characters are discreet and did not show genitals.

Did that make you more comfortable? 
K: I see actresses do ridiculous fake sex scenes in movies and then declare that they felt safe on the set. In most cases, the sequences seem fake, you can see that they are using skin color strips to cover their breasts. I didn't want to feel safe. It' much more interesting to see genuine sex scenes than something we realize that it's fake. I always wanted to be as close as possible to actual experience.

Ni kan läsa hela intervjun HÄR!

Intervju med Kristen Stewart - On The Road

Kristen är verkligen supersöt i den här intervjun när hon pratar om sin film On The Road. Se den!


Kristen Stewart ansiktet utåt för Balenciaga's nya parfym

Vacka Kristen pryder reklamen till Balenciaga's senaste doft "Florabotanica". HÄR finns en intervju med Kristen där hon pratar om detta och lite till!


Intervju med Kristen Stewart, On The Road

Kristen pratar om On The Road. Hon är så söt!:)


Intervjuer med Kristen Stewart och Chris Hemsworth

 Kristen och Chris får träffa djur under Kyle and Jackie O Show


 Ett till klipp från intervjun ovan.

Hela intervjun, bara med ljud.

Radiointervju med Craig/FM


Intervju med Kristen och Chris SWATH, Australien

En riktigt bra intervju från vita mattan på Snow White and The Huntsman premiären i Sydney.


MTV Australia Intervju med Chris Hemsworth och Kriaten Stewart


De pratar lite om en eventuell uppföljare till Snow White and the Huntsman. Kristen pratar mycket om själva processen av filmandet. Hur de fick det att se så äkta ut och att pojkvännen Robert Pattinson är välkommen att vara med i uppföljaren.

Kristen pratar om Robert Pattinson i uppföljaren av SWATH

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson could be set for a post ‘Twilight’ on-screen reunion!

Yep, while the lovebirds may be saying goodbye to Bella and Edward in ‘Breaking Dawn: Part 2’ this November, K-Stew has revealed plans to nab her British beau for a ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ sequel!

In an exclusive chat with MTV Australia at the Sydney premiere of the fairytale remake, the actress said of Rob joining her for a follow-up flick, “Oh absolutely! Rob’s invited to be on our cast. Definitely!

But, it looks like R-Patz could have a bit of a battle on his hands for his leading lady’s affections… Kristen’s ‘Snow White’ love interest Chris Hemsworth, who plays the part of the Huntsman in the Disney adaptation, told us he’s also up for part 2. “I don’t know if it’s officially going ahead, but there’s definitely talk of [a sequel].There seems to be a great interest in this, so definitely if there’s another great script and the same cast then for sure!”

And luckily for Kristen, Chris (and possibly Rob), the movie’s director Rupert Sanders has already started working on the next installment! “I can tell you that I’m working on a sequel now and it’s really exciting,” he told MTV Australia on the white carpet at Bondi Junction’s Event Cinema. “We all had a great time doing this one, so onwards and upwards.

Intevjuer med Kristen, Rupert och Chris från SWATH, Sydney

En skämtsam video där Kristen och Chris pratar om boken "50 Shades of Grey" och om hur det är att kyssas i filmvärlden. Vad tycker deras partners om det?

Intervju med Kristen och Rupert. Kristen pratar om sitt engelska uttal och Twilight, bland annat.

Intervju med Kristen Stewart. Hon pratar om när hon slog Chris, en del om Breaking Dawn och om hur det kändes att se filmens slut.

Intervju med Kristen och Chris. Även här pratar Kristen om Breaking Dawn och Renesmee. De berättar om sin presskonferens och om hur hon bestämde sig för att medverka i SWATH.


Intevjuer från vita mattan med Kristen och Chris

Två intervjuer från dagens "vita mattan" med Kristen och Chris:


Kristen och Chris press/intervjuer, Sydney 19 juni

Dessa bilder från när Kristen och Chris blev intervjuade av bland annat DirtTV ska också vara från idag. De verkar ha hunnit med mycket! En rolig intervju blev det också där de pratar om när Kristen skadade Chris, om det kommer bli en uppföljare till SWATH och mycket mer!


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