Behind The Scenes-video med Sam Claflin för Teen Vogue

Här är en BTS-video från Sam Claflin's plåtning med Teen Vogue. Looking good!;)


Jennifer Lawrence gästar Conan Show, 5 januari

Itisdags kväll gästade Jennifer Lawrence Conan Show där hon som vanligt bjöd på en hel del roliga historier och skratt!


Jennifer Lawrence åker till Hawaii för Catching Fire

Nu är det bekräftat av Jennifer att det är lite kvar att spela in av Catching Fire. Dagen efter Oscarsgalan åker hon tillbaka till Hawaii för att spela in fler scener. Vilka som följer med henne är ännu oklart, men det borde vara scener från arenan så då borde även Josh Hutcherson dyka upp i Hawaii. Vi får vänta och se helt enkelt!

Ni kan se videon med intervjun HÄR!


Jennifer, Liam och Sam i Teen Vogue, mars numret

I nästa nummer av Teen Vogue kommer Jennifer, Liam och Sam finnas med i reportaget “10 years of Young Hollywood”. Här är några scans från tidningen (finns ej i butik ännu).


Bild över Cornucopia från Google Maps

Ett hängivet fan har tagit reda på var scenerna till Catching Fire's Cornucopia spelades in, och letat upp det på google maps. Nedan ser ni alltså en del av arenan!

På denna länk kan ni se det live i Google Maps


The Hunger Games vinner MTV's Movie Brawl!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire har vunnit MTV's omröstning om årets mest efterlängtade film 2013! Så kul och det visar verkligen hur många vi är som ser fram emot den här filmen!

Sam Claflin som spelar Finnick pratade med MTV och var väldigt glad över vinsten!:

"I'm so happy and proud to say I'm a part of 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,' " he said. "Just want to say a big thank you to all the fans worldwide for voting. I'm thrilled to know they are just as excited as I am for the next chapter."

Get ready for Catching Fire:

Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog


Sam Claflin intervju om Catching Fire

Sam har gjort en radiointervju om Catching Fire och han berättar om hur svårt det har varit att ta sig an rollen som Finnick Odair. Fans av böckerna har skrivit till honom på twitter att han inte alls passar som rollen, och träningen han har gått igenom har inte varit lätt.

Själv tycker jag han passar perfekt till rollen, och längtar efter att få se honom som Finnick Odair!:)

Ni kan läsa mer av intervjun HÄR, samt lyssna på den via en länk som finns på sidan där.

Forrest: … you’ve been using a trident for the role of Finnick. Have there been any close calls or horror stories whilst you’ve been filming?

SC: There really has. This is a question I don’t really know how much I can talk about. I was specifically asked not to mention some of the accidents that happened on set. All to do with me, I have to say… Let’s just say I am a very, very clumsy person. There was fall, after fall, after fall, after fall. We basically, me and Francis the director, we were laughing that there would be a DVD extra, a whole DVD on it’s own for the blooper reel – just for me! Because every time he’d say action, just before we had to a fight, I would flip over or fall. And even when I was standing still I’d manage to fall over. There were plenty of accidents.


Officiella Catching Fire Facebook Cover Photo och Twitter Skin

Lionsgate har uppdaterat sina omslagsfoton både på twitter och facebook. Här har ni dom!




Lionsgate slöpper första officiella Catching Fire Teaser Poster

Vi har fått se många fejk-posters till Catching Fire cirkulera på nätet, men nu har äntligen Lionsgate släppt den första officiella postern till filmen. Här har ni den! :D


Sam Claflin pratar om sin roll som Finnick Odair

Sam pratar sockerbitar, minimala outfits och hårdträning inför rollen som Finnick Odair!:)

All this physical prepping so that he wouldn’t let Finnick’s fans down during the infamous sugar cube scene when the character teases Katniss while wearing a strategically placed bit of net. Just how much net he’ll have on remains to be seen. “They did have to tone it down from what it is in the book because they can’t make it too graphic if you know what I’m saying,” he pauses with a sheepish smile. “Because it was just a knot covering his, basically, you know what I’m saying! I was definitely prepared to do anything. But the costumer said ‘Well we can’t have you in nothing’ so I’m kind of covered up.” Still the scene left Claflin feeling rather exposed. “It was the scariest moment of my life,” he says with a laugh. “I’m on Twitter and so many people have been like ‘Don’t mess this up, or we will kill you.’”


Intervju med Jennifer och Josh från People's Choice

Entertainment Tonight var på plats igår och intervjuade Jennifer och Josh backstage på PCA. Det blev en väldigt underhållande intervju, som vanligt när det handlar om Jen och Josh ;)

EDIT: Videon går tyvärr inte att bädda in för tillfället, men klicka HÄR för att komma till den! :D


Karaktärer som inte kommer med i Catching Fire

Entertainment Weekly har tagit reda på lite mer om Catching Fire, och de har fått regissören Francis Lawrence att avslöja vilka tre karaktärer från boken som inte kommer att finnas med i filmen. Bonnie och Twill (de som Katniss möter i skogen och som är på flykt till distrikt 13) är inte med i filmen. Även peacekeepern Darius som försöker hjälpa Gale är struken från filmen. Så här säger Francis Lawrence om saken:

När det kom på tal att det inte fanns med någon Bonnie eller Twill listade på IMDB's sida avslöjade han (Francis) det. "Ah just det." sa han med ett skratt. Om hur filmen nu kommer introducera distrikt 13 var Lawrence hemlighetsfull och sa endast att "det var kul att komma på nya saker för att få ihop saker och ting, och att hitta nya sätt att göra det på." Bonnie och Twill är alltså borta, och det är även scenen med Katniss som klättrar i ett träd över det elektriska staketet i distrikt 12 efter att hon blivit fast i skogen. Och Darius, distrikt 12's yngsta peacekeeper som försöker ingripa vid piskningen av Gale och sen blir dömd till ett liv som Avox, är en annan scen som inte kom med från boken till filmen.

Om förlusten av Darius gör dig ledsen (och det ska det!) bör du ändå veta att filmskaparna känner din smärta. "Det är lika plågsamt för oss att förlora saker från böckerna som det är för ett fan" säger producent Nina Jacobson. "Jag vill ha med allt som finns i boken. Men vet du vad? Om du måste ge upp någonting för att kunna ge mer tid för Katniss och Gale, eller Effie när hon börjar känna sitt samvete, så gör du uppoffringar för att  tjäna de karaktärer och teman som är mer väsentliga. "



Backstagebild från Catching Fire

BTS-bild från Catching Fire med Liam, Francis och Jennifer.


Nya bilder från Catching Fire!!

Ännu fler nya bilder från Catching Fire har dykt upp! Alla är från Entertainment Weekly.

”Pressure, pressure, the pressure is on,” says good-natured Sam Claflin about stepping into the net of District 4′s charismatic golden boy. ”I’m on Twitter and so many people are like, ‘Don’t mess this up, or we will kill you.’ People are just worried that I’m not going to be as sex god enough as Finnick should be. I’ve literally had four months of eating nothing but chicken and asparagus. I just want a burger and a beer.”

Nya bilder från Catching Fire!!

Ännu två bilder från Catching Fire har släppts. Den här gången på Katniss och Peeta, troligen från deras Victory Tour! och Gale som är i trubbel med The Peacekeepers!

''These are kids growing up in war who physically, emotionally can't love somebody,'' says Jennifer Lawrence about the uncomfortable triangle between District 12's battle-weary Katniss, Peeta, and her childhood friend Gale that began in The Hunger Games. ''Katniss thinks she can't have a crush on a boy because she's worried about survival every single day. And she can't be a normal 16-year-old meeting her friend out in the woods and practicing kissing because that's not the world that they live in.''

''Jen and Liam have amazing chemistry,'' says director Francis Lawrence of his young stars. ''They have a nice moment right before Katniss is reaped that is the very first thing we shot. And then when Gale has been brought in from the whipping, that's another really nice moment they have alone.'' ''This is the book where you have to understand the pull Katniss feels to both Peeta and Gale,'' say producer Nina Jacobson.

Bilder från Catching Fire i Entertainment Weekly!

After spending the day outrunning death in a nearby jungle, the 22-year-old actress ordered herself a Budweiser and kicked back in the Trump balcony lounge to discuss the sequel, her life now as a blockbuster star, and her willful inability to behave like the nice sound-bite machine Hollywood might expect her to be. “It’s almost like I subconsciously don’t want to work anymore so I’m trying to ruin my career,” she says with a laugh at one point, before leaning in close to the reporter’s tape recorder. “I’m pregnant!” she joked.

Ni kan läsa mer om intervjun HÄR! Tidningen kommer finnas i butik från och med 11 januari.

Vad tycker ni om bilderna?! Jag älskar dom!! :D

Idag släpper EW en bild från Catching Fire!

Enligt Entertainment Weekly's facebooksida kommer EW att släppa ett allra första omslag av Catching Fire senare idag!!! Så här skrev de igår på sin fb-sida: "Get ready to catch fire with Katniss and EW’s The Hunger Games: ‘Catching Fire’ cover tomorrow!"

Wihi, roligt att få se en riktig bild från filmen! :D

That's a Wrap!

Igår avslutades inspelningarna av Catching Fire på Hawaii. Nu finns allt material och det är dags för allt arbete med att klippa ihop filmen, fixa ljud, musik osv. Jobbigt att det är ETT ÅRS väntan tills vi får se den färdiga produkten! Men den som väntar på något gott.. ;)

Sam Claflin som spelar Finnick twittrade om det här igår:


MTV's top 10 Hunger Games-moment

MTV har sammanfattat Hunger Games-året och valt ut de tio bästa höjdpunkterna. Här nedan har ni hela artikeln!:)

The odds were ever in fans' favor as the big-screen adaptation of Suzanne Collins' best-selling "
Hunger Games" hit theaters on March 23, 2012. But Katniss and Peeta's struggle for survival — while of utmost importance — was hardly the only headline to grab the fandom's attention this year. From finally (finally!) casting Finnick to the start of "Catching Fire" production, 2012 saw many milestones for the series. And, of course, MTV News catalogued them all. Join us as we journey through the annals of Panem to recall 2012's top 10 "Hunger Games" moments

Get More: Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Josh Hutcherson, Stanley Tucci, Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Poster Posted

The New Year began with a blazing bit of marketing ephemera that made it all seem real — the theatrical one-sheet featuring a close-up shot of star Jennifer Lawrence taking aim with the tagline, "The world will be watching," emblazoned above. Boy, were we.

One Last Look
With less than two months until the theatrical release of "The Hunger Games," Lionsgate followed up the pretty poster with a final trailer to whet fans' already voracious appetites. The clip served up plenty of key moments, including Katniss gifting Prim the symbolic Mockingjay pin, the tribute's interview with Caesar Flickerman and her touching pre-Games exchange with stylist Cinna.

Taylor Swift Is "Safe & Sound"
Country cutie Taylor Swift evoked Katniss' dystopian district with eerie accuracy in the music video for her "Hunger Games" soundtrack song "Safe & Sound," which she debuted exclusively on MTV and gained her aGolden Globe nomination. "Having a music video with that much symbolism in it is something I'm not used to," Swift told MTV News. "Everyone who is a 'Hunger Games' fan knows what it means when there's fire in the trees and they know what it means for the house to be burnt and they know what it means for the 'Hunger Games' pin to be covered in rust and old. Everybody can take their own meaning away from it, but it all goes back to the symbolism of the book."

"Hunger Games" Lights Up Theaters
Katniss' long-awaited entrance into the arena arrived March 23, hitting the box-office bull's-eye straight on. The film reaped a record-setting $155 million in its first weekend, making it the fifth-biggest opening weekend on record. To date, the film has grossed an impressive $408 million domestically — something even President Snow couldn't frown at.

The Director Shuffle
With the runaway success of the series' initial installment, it seemed but a foregone conclusion that director Gary Ross would return to helm the sequel, "Catching Fire." But in April, the auteur announced that he would not be returning to Panem, sending many fans into a tumult. "Despite recent speculation in the media, and after difficult but sincere consideration, I have decided not to direct 'Catching Fire,' " Ross said in a statement. "As a writer and a director, I simply don't have the time I need to write and prep the movie I would have wanted to make because of the fixed and tight production schedule." Francis Lawrence ("Water for Elephants," "I Am Legend") stepped in to fill the vacant director's chair for the remainder of the series.

Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

MTV Movie Awards Magic

Much like that other YA adaptation before it, it looked as though "The Hunger Games" and the MTV Movie Awards were sort of smitten with each other this year. From lost "Hunger Games" audition tapes, to archery expert Lester Boonshaft's commentary to the film's four wins (including Best Female and Best Male Performances for Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson), it was "The Hunger Games"' night and we were just living in it.

"Fire" Frenzy
With a brand-new arena needing filled for the 75th annual Hunger Games, the casting craze hit a fever pitch over the summer, with particular attention paid to any and all speculation regarding beloved tributes Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason. In the end, "Snow White and the Huntsman" star Sam Claflin and "Sucker Punch" star Jena Malone were reaped for the Quarter Quell.

MTV Movie Awards Magic Much like that other YA adaptation before it, it looked as though "The Hunger Games" and the MTV Movie Awards were sort of smitten with each other this year. From lost "Hunger Games" audition tapes, to archery expert Lester Boonshaft's commentary to the film's four wins (including Best Female and Best Male Performances for Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson), it was "The Hunger Games"' night and we were just living in it. "Fire" Frenzy With a brand-new arena needing filled for the 75th annual Hunger Games, the casting craze hit a fever pitch over the summer, with particular attention paid to any and all speculation regarding beloved tributes Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason. In the end, "Snow White and the Huntsman" star Sam Claflin and "Sucker Punch" star Jena Malone were reaped for the Quarter Quell.

Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

"Mockingjay" Morphs Into Two
It had been widely speculated that much like "Harry Potter" and "The Twilight Saga" before it, "The Hunger Games" trilogy would be adapted into four films. Lionsgate made it official in July, announcing that"Mockingjay" would be split, with "Part 1" swooping into theaters on November 21, 2014, followed by "Part 2" on November 20, 2015.

"Catching Fire" Ignites
With casting concluded, the production games began again on September 10, when "Catching Fire" officially began filming in Atlanta, Georgia. Shooting later moved to Hawaii to capture the tropical ambiance of the Quarter Quell's intricate new arena.

After a month on the "Catching Fire" set, we finally got a sneak peek of the stars in action (or, more accurately, walking around in costume) thanks to a few paparazzi shots. Not long after, fans' hunger was temporarily sated with snaps straight from Hawaii, where the tributes were (literally!) diving into the arena. "Catching Fire" will hit theaters November 22, 2013.


Jennifer Lawrence nominerad - Golden Globe!

Jennifer har blivit nominerad till en Golden Globe för sin roll i hennes senaste film Silver linings Playbook. MTV gjorde en intervju med henne igår där hon pratar om sin nominering och om att det bara är 8 (idag 7) dagar kvar av inspelningen av Catching Fire - sen är allt filmmaterial klart! Ni kan läsa en del av intervjun nedan, och resten finns HÄR!

“I had no idea [the Golden Globes nominations were Thursday],” Lawrence told MTV News during an exclusive interview from the set of “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, the next chapter in the saga of reluctant rebel leader Katniss Everdeen. “My agent called me at 5:30 and I thought the set of my movie had burned down, or Josh [Hutcherson] had died or something. I didn’t realize! I was so tired!” …

“It’s amazing. It was such an incredible part,” Lawrence said of receiving the nomination. “All the blood, sweat and tears that everybody put in this movie, and how much it meant to everyone, we can all share it together. David and Bradley got the recognition they deserve. It’s wonderful to be able to share it with everyone.” …

It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, then, that Lawrence isn’t spending the day celebrating her “Silver Linings” nomination. Instead, she’s hard at work on “Catching Fire.” Lawrence has eight days left of shooting on the “Hunger Games” sequel, and today’s workload involves getting into kill-or-be-killed Katniss mode.

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