Nina's nya bilder från WhoSay
TVD-castet firar Paul Wesley
Family photo! We love you @paulwesley xo your fellow night walkers
Josh och Sam twittrar
Nina's resor i sommar är nu över
Nina's tweet: Recap of the past 16 days: 13 Flights, 3 Continents, 5 Countries (Mexico, Hawaii (USA), Japan, Thailand+) 8 Cities/Islands...One epic adventure.
Nina har avslutat Let's be Cops
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Nina på semester med vänner
Tillsammans med ett fan:
Ni har väl inte missat....
Nina med vänner i Atlanta, i tisdags
Nina twittrar bilder från inspelningen av Let's Be Cops
Neeeed sleeeeeep. At this point.. We'll settle for any surface @mrjakejohnson #letsbecops #nightshooting #sunPLScomeup so we can go home.
Nina's svar på twitter-intervjun
What inspired you to pursue a career in acting?
I was such a good liar as a kid… It seemed like no brainer to try to capitalize on that to make $ Joking!!!! Haha I just loved playing pretend. Making up characters. Being different people. It’s fun! And honestly… I watched a lot of films, people like Meryl Streep, Rachel Mcadams inspired me.
What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Hmmm… I’m not a material girl. My love can’t be purchased.. Best gifts have been well thought out surprises.
What’s the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?
To know your worth and never let anyone negotiate you down. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve.
What’s on your workout playlist?
I run to: “Lights”-Elie Goulding, “Try”-Pink, “I Love It”- Iconapop, “I Don’t Feel Like Dancing”- Scissor Sisters. Thrift Shop, “Paralyzer” -Finger Eleven, Florence Against the Machine, “Rebellion Lies”- Arcade Fire... And many more.
Do you have a favorite episode of TVD?
”Lost girls” is my all time favorite.
What’s the challenge in playing Elena & Katherine at the same time?
Staying sane. Trying to not develop a split personality disorder.
You are genetically blessed, but do you have a beauty routine you can share?
Sleep is my #1 priority ! Smiling. Yoga. Sunshine. Cheat days(Chocolate!) surrounding myself w/ ppl who make me laugh until I cry.
What’s your fav item from your closet that u love to wear?
Yesterday I got these amazing comfy home pants that I’m obsessed with. From “Ragdoll”.
Is there any person of note you want to meet but haven’t?
Angelina Jolie... She is such a force... I aspire to be as good an actress/activist/strong woman as her.
What do you like to do in ur free time?
I recently went salsa dancing ! That was fun!
If you weren’t an actress, what would you be?
A beach bum? Gypsy? Yoga instructor? Director. A little of everything / whatever makes me happy /excited to wake up that morning.
What the best part of your job?
Being surprised and challenged every day. Stunts, emotional scenes, great dialogue.
The Vampire Diaries is a huge success, however what else do u hope 2 achieve in your career?
I’d like to try different genres, comedy, period drama, rom-com, action. Work w/ directors I admire.
Nina svarar på frågor nu!
Fler bilder från Nina's resa med tjejgänget!
Nina på inspelningen av "Let's be cops"
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Tweets från Nina
Nina: Original Gangstas #mylameattemptatdoingagangsign#noideaifthisisarealgangsign #gerberganstas4life #watchyourback #we'retrouble
Nina twittrar härliga bilder!
Nina: This is the way to wake up....#saturdayatthebeach #i <3 longweekends #roadtriptoheaven
Nina: And the night has begun.. It's not every day you get to dance with a storm trooper #thisnightjustkeepsgettingbetter #andbetter #andbetter
Nina plåtas för Cosmopolitan (Tweetpics)
Nina på bröllop med Julie Plec
Nina twittrar från CW's uppfront party
Final Burger bite with ketchup, guacamole, and French fry. After salad...sangria...chips and salsa. Ahh I'm going to explode. #sofull
Tacos much? Don't think I can eat all this... Mind is bigger than my stomach #whoops #funnyphotobombintheback. Talking, reminiscing, memories of the good ol' days, but in a big new city :) #galpals #goodtimes #yummmm
Matching. Not planned.. But still awesome. #greatmindsthinkalike @JosephMorgan and I this am at Upfronts
Ny poster till "The Originals"
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Observera att jag nu gjort en ny kategori till "The Originals". Kika in där om ni letar efter inlägg till den serien i framtiden. Jag kommer uppdatera om nyheter kring den serien också såklart!:)