HQ-scans från Catching Fire-kalender

BTS-intervju med Jennifer från plåtningen med Vogue

BTS-video och fler bilder från Jen's shoot med Vogue

"You can learn a lot about a person in seven hours. Little things, like the kinds of food they don’t like—arugula, eggplant, goat cheese (“I have the taste buds of a five-year-old”), which TV show they’re obsessed with (Homeland), the strange stuff they’re afraid of (“I don’t have nightmares about clowns or burglars or murderers. I have nightmares about thirteen-year-olds. They terrify me”)."

“When Winter’s Bone was getting nominated,” says Lawrence, “I had only done indies, and suddenly I was introduced to this brand-new world where I didn’t feel like myself. I was in these weird gowns and listening to people talk about things I didn’t understand. And I remember reading that in the book and being like, Oh, my God, I know exactly what this feels like. I don’t know what it’s like to get ready for your death, but I do know what it’s like to be almost a puppet. And then when I was making the second film, I had become more acquainted with that world, and I think that’s something that Katniss experiences. She is different when she comes back. She does feel more comfortable in the Capitol; she understands the people more, and it’s not as eerie and scary and unfamiliar. She kind of knows how to work the system.”

Summerville’s big coup was getting Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen to lend several archive and runway pieces, mostly worn by the mistress of ceremonies, Effie Trinket, gamely played by Elizabeth Banks, looking like Gaga’s crazy auntie. “In the first film,” says Summerville, “it looked like everyone shopped at the same store. I wanted to show variety. The elite, but from all walks of life. So I did fashion trends: Molded felt hats are all the rage! Plaids are in! That kind of thing.”

Jennifer preview i Vouge September Issue

Sneak Peak på Jen i Vogue

Jennifer på omslaget av Vogue september Issue

Så jäkla fin!♥


Min största inspirationskälla, vackra Jennifer!♥
♥ Våga vara dg själv
♥Tro på dig själv - du kan om du försöker
♥ Följ dina drömmar
♥ Våga säga nej
♥ Lev i nuet, du vet aldrig vad morgondagen bär med sig
♥ Ta chansen
♥ Våga och vinn

Nya outtakes på Jennifer, från The Wrap Magazine 2013

Ny bild på Jennifer från shoot med Vanity Fair

En gammal plåtning med Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer på i Time - 100 most influential people in the world

Jennifer på omslaget av Time cover 100 most influential people in the world

Intervju och bilder av Jennifer i Fabulous Magazine

On what scares her: “Spiders and ghosts. I actually get comforted when I feel like there might be a burglar in my house, like: ‘There’s a real person that might be breaking into my house, it’s not a ghost, that’s a relief.’”
On fame not changing her personality: “There is kind of a sadness that happens when you look into someone’s eyes and you realize that they’re looking at you a certain way, like you are not really you. I don’t ever walk around feeling famous. I walk around feeling the exact same way I have walked around my entire life, but it’s not until I talk to somebody and see in their eyes that I’m different. It makes me feel weird.”
On not going overboard with her spending: “I just constantly feel so lucky, that I don’t really have time to feel cocky. I was raised to have value for money, to have respect for money, even though you have a lot of it. That’s why mini-bars are difficult, because it’s like yes, I can afford a $6 Snickers bar, but there’s just something wrong with that! I still drive my same car I’ve been driving for a long time and I haven’t bought a house yet.”

Jennifer Lawrence för Miss Dior

Jennifer Lawrence på omslaget av brittiska "Fabulous"

Jennifer Lawrence för Dior

Behind-the-scenes Jennifer Lawrence OscarWrap cover

Jennifer Lawrence i 'The Wrap Magazine'

Jennifer Lawrence photoshoot med LA Times

Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence i Vanity Fair, february issue

Has [Woody Harrelson] taught you anything about acting?
“Woody and I have never really spoken about acting. We’re very similar. Francis always makes fun of me, because I show up on set and I have no idea what we’re doing or even if I have a line. So he’ll text me in the morning: ‘Do you have any idea what we’re doing? No? O.K., let me tell you.’ And last year Woody goes, ‘Man! I’ve never worked with somebody who makes me feel like I’m workin’ too hard!’ ”
When did you feel like you could act—like ‘I can do this’?
“I did a sitcom [The Bill Engvall Show] when I was like 16, and I was like, ‘This is fuuun. This is awesome.’