Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence i Vanity Fair, february issue
Nu har Vanity Fair släppt hela intervjun de gjort med Jennifer, och ni kan läsa ett kort utdrag här nedanför. Om ni vill ha hela storyn kan ni klicka här--->
Has [Woody Harrelson] taught you anything about acting?

Has [Woody Harrelson] taught you anything about acting?
“Woody and I have never really spoken about acting. We’re very similar. Francis always makes fun of me, because I show up on set and I have no idea what we’re doing or even if I have a line. So he’ll text me in the morning: ‘Do you have any idea what we’re doing? No? O.K., let me tell you.’ And last year Woody goes, ‘Man! I’ve never worked with somebody who makes me feel like I’m workin’ too hard!’ ”
When did you feel like you could act—like ‘I can do this’?
“I did a sitcom [The Bill Engvall Show] when I was like 16, and I was like, ‘This is fuuun. This is awesome.’
