Jennifer Lawrence pratar om Kristen och Rob's mediaskandal
Being one of the stars of the Hunger Games, you probably wouldn’t guess that Jennifer Lawrence is a bit of a Twi-hard but apparently she’s feeling just as emotionally drained as we are about the whole Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders love triangle.
Ok, so she might not have been mourning the events by drawing big, scribbly red lines down the middle of all her posters of Bella and Edward, but it sounds like Jen is pretty cut up about the hard times Rob and Kristen have been getting.
Having been catapulted into the limelight pretty much over night, Jen knows what it’s like to be followed by the paparazzi every time she pops out for a Snickers and apparently still finds the attention pretty scary.*
“It’s heartbreaking when somebody’s whole life is in the media to the extent that she has a human moment and it’s exploited like that,” she told More.
“There are a lot of elements to fame that are scary. Me, I’m just kind of going to go with it and keep my fingers crossed!”
t’s sounds like Jen’s not standing for any of this Team Kristen vs. Team Rob hoo-hah, but what do you think? Has she got a point?
Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence på Toronto's filmfestival
Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence för Vanity Fair
Jennifer Lawrence photoshoot för "W"
I tidningen finns 'ven en rolig intervju med Jennifer. Ett litet utdrag finns nedan. Ni kan läsa hela intervjun HÄR!
You could have acted! Although there weren’t movies like X-Men back then. Did you have to get naked and blue for the X-Men audition?
Not for the audition, but there was a moment where I thought I was going to have to paint my face and Skype with the director, and I said no. The first test where they painted me blue took around eight hours of makeup. I would stand, lean, or sit on a bicycle seat naked while they painted me. I have no modesty left after X-Men— I had blue in places I didn’t even know existed. Afterward, I had to go around naked, with scales over my private parts, surrounded by men. That cures you of all inhibition.
Did you end up hating blue?
Not really, but I did leave the color everywhere. The hotel in London wouldn’t give me my security deposit back because I turned their tub blue. I also did that to a lot of toilet seats on set. We called it “getting Mystiqued.”
Intervjuer med Jennifer Lawrence och Bradley Cooper
Nina Dobrev Intervju med The Hollywood Reporter,TIFF
Texten är kopierad från NINADOBREVDAILY.BLOGG.SE
Jennifer Lawrence på presskonferens i Toronto, 7 september
Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence om Mockingjay's 2 delar
In a recent interview with the Washington Post, Jennifer Lawrence revealed what she really thinks about “Mockingjay”, the final book in The Hunger Games trilogy, being split into two parts.
Lawrence had reservations about breaking “Mockingjay” into two parts — “until I heard how much money I would be getting,” she said with a long laugh.
She said she initially thought it would be better to do the finale in a single film. When she got the news that it would be done in two parts, Lawrence was in the middle of shooting “The Hunger Games,” and she re-read the books and thought about how much had to be left out in adapting the first one.
“You want everything in there, but you don’t have enough room, and you’re trying to decide what’s going to get cut and what isn’t,” Lawrence said. “So it was a relief on the last one to know that we don’t really have to cut anything. We have enough time, we have enough room to really tell this story to the fullest, and we don’t need to cut anything.
“So that’s my artistic answer. It’s a very diplomatic answer. But what I’m really thinking is yacht, yacht. My own island.”
Ni kan läsa hela intervjun HÄR!
Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence och Bradley Cooper
Jennifer Lawrence bekräftar att Catching Fire snart börjar
"Fem anledningar till att älska Jennifer Lawrence"
Below, the proof.
1. She kicks off "Satan's shoes" (aka gold stilettos) and lays down on the couch, barefoot, to talk to me.
2. She attributes her success to non-thespian skills. "I started sleeping with all the directors. I slept with 98 percent of them," she jokes.
3. She's tired. Very tired. And doesn't complain. "I might not be making sense. Just change everything."
4. She disses her dancing skills in Silver Linings Playbook. "That's a sad thing to watch. I'm an awful dancer. I was stress-eating. I'd completely given up."
5. She loves played flawed, weird women. "I thought (my character) was hilarious. I find it really amusing how (the director) can take someone who's crazy and not someone to look up to and make them someone you really like. There's so many dimensions." --DF
Intervju med Jennifer Lawrence och Bradley Cooper
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Jennifer Lawrence pratar om HATES
Jennifer Lawrence i Entertainment Weekly
Behind The Scenes Sneak Peak - Hunger Games
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Jennifer Lawrence pratar om Catching Fire
Att springa genom ett krigshärjat område och döda tonåringar medan en global publik tittar på har inte mycket gemensamt med den värld vi lever i (hoppas vi). Men Jennifer Lawrence - som spelar Katniss Everdeen i sagda Hunger Games miljön - tror att filmens uppföljare kommer att erbjuda en viss likhet med verkligheten.
"Den nya filmen kommer att vara väldigt verklig, och det är det jag är så exalterad över" berättar hon för 24 Frames om Catching Fire som Francis Lawrence kommer regissera. "Jag gillar verkligen hans idé, som är väldigt lik det jag gillade i Gary Ross" tillägger hon. "Det är det realistiska greppet som historien istället för alla detaljer om fantasisakerna."
Lawrence säger att hon träffat regissören och tror att han, allt som allt, försöker fortsätta att förmedla det som Gary Ross gjorde av första boken i Suzanne Collin's bokserie. "Han försöker inte uppfinna nya saker" säger hon.
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