Jennifer Lawrence photoshoot för "W"
Nu finns alla bilder från Jennifer's plåtning för titdningen "W" ute. Resultatet är supersnyggt!
I tidningen finns 'ven en rolig intervju med Jennifer. Ett litet utdrag finns nedan. Ni kan läsa hela intervjun HÄR!
You could have acted! Although there weren’t movies like X-Men back then. Did you have to get naked and blue for the X-Men audition?
Not for the audition, but there was a moment where I thought I was going to have to paint my face and Skype with the director, and I said no. The first test where they painted me blue took around eight hours of makeup. I would stand, lean, or sit on a bicycle seat naked while they painted me. I have no modesty left after X-Men— I had blue in places I didn’t even know existed. Afterward, I had to go around naked, with scales over my private parts, surrounded by men. That cures you of all inhibition.
Did you end up hating blue?
Not really, but I did leave the color everywhere. The hotel in London wouldn’t give me my security deposit back because I turned their tub blue. I also did that to a lot of toilet seats on set. We called it “getting Mystiqued.”
I tidningen finns 'ven en rolig intervju med Jennifer. Ett litet utdrag finns nedan. Ni kan läsa hela intervjun HÄR!
You could have acted! Although there weren’t movies like X-Men back then. Did you have to get naked and blue for the X-Men audition?
Not for the audition, but there was a moment where I thought I was going to have to paint my face and Skype with the director, and I said no. The first test where they painted me blue took around eight hours of makeup. I would stand, lean, or sit on a bicycle seat naked while they painted me. I have no modesty left after X-Men— I had blue in places I didn’t even know existed. Afterward, I had to go around naked, with scales over my private parts, surrounded by men. That cures you of all inhibition.
Did you end up hating blue?
Not really, but I did leave the color everywhere. The hotel in London wouldn’t give me my security deposit back because I turned their tub blue. I also did that to a lot of toilet seats on set. We called it “getting Mystiqued.”