Scoop om Jeremy Gilbert

Vad kommer hända med Jeremy (TVD) nu när hans liv har tagit en stor vändning? Lite info om det finns nedan! :)

“The Vampire Diaries”: We’re totally loving the idea of Matt and Jeremy as roommates — but don’t expect to spend too much time hanging out in Chateau Bro over the next few episodes. “Unfortunately, we don’t actually get to see them in action for a while,” executive producer Julie Plec says. “In [Episode 9], Jeremy gets shipped off to the lake house for treatment. They’re in a predicament, which is that he loves his sister and she’s the one person he’d love to kill more than anybody, so … when we get to Episode 9 we’ll see that Elena has enlisted Bonnie to help. She’s seeking out unconventional methods to find a fix.”

Postat av: Anonym

Vilken av Vampire Diaries, Twilight och Hunger Games gillar du mest? Och vem av de tre skådespelerskorna (Nina, Kristen och Jennifer) gillar du mest/tycker du är bäst ? :)

Svar: Hej, jag svarar på din fråga i ett inlägg så alla kan se :) Kul att du vill veta lite om mig! Kram
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2012-12-03 @ 17:02:23

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