Synopsis för TVD episod 7 - "My Brothers Keeper"

Handling av TVD episod 7 finns nu ute. Elena och Stefan går igenom en tuff period och det är åter igen dags för Miss Mystic Falls paraden. Avsnittet sänds den 29 november i USA.

The Vampire Diaries gang is once again participating in the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant in an upcoming episode.

In "My Brother's Keeper", Stefan and Elena are going through a very difficult time and Caroline is doing her best to be a good friend for both of them.  Meanwhile, Damon and Stefan are once again at odds over how to uncover Prof. Shane's plans.  Damon wants his brother's help with his plan, but Stefan is actually helping Klaus with his own plan to deal with the Professor. Also, "at the annual Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Elena and Caroline give April (guest star Grace Phipps) advice on which dress to wear, while Tyler (Michael Trevino) and Hayley (guest star Phoebe Tonkin) work together on a secret project, and Damon confronts Prof. Shane with his suspicions. Alarmed by the vivid nightmares he’s having, Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) turns to Matt (Zach Roerig) for help, but the situation escalates sooner than anyone expected. Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle Douglas also makes an appearance."



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