Catching Fire börjar inspelningarna

Enligt Catrett Locke Casting så börjar inspelningen av Catching Fire senast den 11 september. Detta vet man nu då de söker statister till inspelningen som ni kan läsa om nedan. Dom nämner att man bör vara tillgänglig för inspelning runt den 9-11 sepember, så troligen börjar alltså inspelningarna redan runt den 9e. Så kul. Hoppas vi får veta mer snart, i typ en intervju eller liknande. Skulle vara kul med ett officiellt uttalande!:)

According to a casting call by Catrett Locke Casting, shooting for ‘The Idiom’ a.k.a. ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ is set to begin at the very least by September 11, 2012. (likely earlier, but this is the first date we’ve seen)

Looking for athletic trainers type male and female. Must be avail 9/11-9/14 for shooting. If you are fit and fit the description please e-mail [email protected]. Please include 3 pics (head, body, profile) age, ht, wt, LOCATION and all contact info. Please look in photo section to see an example of the type photos we need. Please put TRAINER in the subject box.

Extras need to look fit and athletic and with a subject like TRAINER, sounds like this is a scene at the training center.



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