Nina på omslaget av Company, samt ny intervju

Tidningen innehåller bilder från en plåtning som Nina gjorde med tidningen Fashion Magazine förra året. En smygtitt på intervjun kan ni läsa nedan resten (behind the scenes bilder där Nina berättar om några av sina favoritställen i Los Angeles) kan ni se här. :)

On her other career options: 
“I was a rhythmic and athletic gymnast for a little while. Then, when I quit gymnastics, I fell in love with yoga. So sometimes I think I’d like to open up a yoga studio.”

On her mixed feelings about Hollywood: 
“It’s exciting because it’s so sunny and beautiful there, but at the same time there’s something a bit distant about Los Angeles. It’s hard to make good friends. Everyone’s in their car, with their sunglasses on, and disconnected. But Hollywood is work – then Venice by the beach is play.” 

On working with Emma Watson:
“I got to work with Emma Watson last year [on Perks of Being A Wall Flower]. She’s a dream. A sharp, young woman who’s going to have a fantastic career. And such style – I remember seeing her on a Burberry billboard and she looked beautiful. I’ve always dreamed of being a ‘Burberry Girl’, but know it’ll never happen, because I’m not British. Still, you can’t stop a girl from dreaming. And owning way too many Burberry coats!”



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